Educational Services
The Educational Services Division provides direct student services to many of Mendocino County’s most vulnerable students and those with unique needs. These include special education for low-incidence (children with multiple disabilities) pupils; adjudicated and incarcerated students served through court and community schools; preschool, childcare and child development programs and services; and many others. Many districts find it cost-effective to partner with MCOE to deliver services.
The Educational Services Department also provides supports and services to Mendocino County local education agencies (LEAs); specifically, MCOE provides leadership and support to school districts to assure continuous improvement of curriculum development, instructional delivery, student assessment, teacher preparation, and professional development. It also works with the California Department of Education with the implementation of curriculum standards, assessment, curriculum frameworks and adoption of instructional materials. Finally, the Educational Services Department helps LEAs assess and comply with state and federal regulatory requirements.
Accountability & Assessment
The Accountabiliuty and Assessment Department provides supports for Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) Guidance, Support, & Review; Differentiated Assistance (DA), Comprehensive Support & Improvement (CSI) & Additional Support & Improvement (ATSI); State and Federal Programs
State Testing Support; Federal Program Monitoring (FPM); Williams Monitoring; Accountability Reports Assistance (SPSA, SARC, Safety Plans); Funding & Grant Supports; Learning Communities for School Success Program (LCSSP) Grant.
Career and College Programs Department
Supports include: Adult Programs; California Dashboard Supports; Career Technical Education (CTE) Programming; CTE Pathway & CALPADs Support; CTE Student Events & Community of Practices; Dual Enrollment, CCAPS & Articulation Agreements; Grant Writing Support; WASC Support; Work Based Learning & Industry Partnership Development.
Continuous Improvement Department
The Continuous Improvement Department builds internal (MCOE) and external (district/site) capacity by providing technical assistance, professional development/learning, data access/analysis, and resources. Our team is dedicated to providing well-rounded, cohesive assistance in designing, organizing, and co-facilitating key activities in support of inclusion, equity and excellence.
Early Education & Care Department
The Early Education & Care Department’s focus is on supporting programs that promote the healthy development and educational supports for children and youth in need: preschoolers from low-income families, low-income youth who need support during out of school time, students in after school programs, and Foster and Homeless youth. Supports include: California State Preschool Program; UPK for Families; Quality Counts Mendocino; Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program; Local Child Care & Development Planning Council; Preschool - 3rd Grade; (Partnership with Learning and Enrichment); Early Education and Care Provider Support.
Learning & Enrichment Department
Supports include: Inclusive Practices & Universal Design for Learning (UDL); Teacher Mentoring & Coaching; Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence; Multilingual Language Learner Supports; Mathematics; English Language Arts; Science & Environmental Literacy; County Student Events; Mathematics, Science, Computer Science Grant (MSCS); Principal Network & Administrator Supports; Social Science & Ethnic Studies; Arts & Music; Educational Technology/Digital Learning; Family Engagement Supports; P-3 Support (Early Education & Care Partnership) Classified Training & Development; Expanded Learning; Teach Lake County Partnership; Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Supports
MCOE School Programs (TK-12)
MCOE serves students in Orr Creek School (Opportunity School), Mendocino County Community School, and West Hills Juvenile Hall Community School. These programs can serve approximately 80 enrolled students at any one time at 3 sites in Ukiah.
Special Education Department
The Special Education Department offers specialized instructional services for children ages birth to 22 who have physical, emotional, or cognitive disabilities. The department provides support to over 160 school-age students with severe disabilities and coordinates and provides services for students residing in Licensed Children’s Institutions and Short Term Residential Treatment Programs. Supports include: Early Start (Ages 0-3); Contracted Special Education Services: Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP), School Psychologists, School Nurse; Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) Program; Low Incidence Services: Visual Impairment (VI), Orthopedic Impairments (OI),; Orientation & Mobilities (O&M); Low Incidence Equipment Purchasing; Countywide Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC) &; Assistive Technology (AT) Assessment & Support; Occupational Therapy & Physical Therapy.
Student Services & Wellness Department
Supports include: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS); Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS); Restorative Justice (RJ); Community School Supports; Mental Health Supports; Foster & Homeless Supports; Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) Supports & County Level SARB; Health Education; Social Emotional Learning & CalHOPE Grant Support; Charter School Supports
The mission of the Mendocino County SELPA is to support special education students in achieving a high level of academic/functional performance according to national, state, and local standards. To assure this outcome, the SELPA department will provide information, resources and support to students, parents, and all schools within our county.
Director - Career and College Programs
Assistant Superintendent of Education Services
Teacher-CTE Photography
K-12 Pathway Specialist
Administrative Secretary II