(707) 467-5000

2240 Old River Road


Early Ed banner photo with preschool students

Early Education & Care

Our Vision: an equitable community of skilled professionals, engaged families, and joyful children.

The Early Education and Care (EEC) Department provides direct services through our California State Preschool Programs at 17 locations, offers coaching to all types of center-based programs through Quality Counts Mendocino and provides professional development opportunities for all professionals working with children 0-5, including Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten.

We believe that high-quality programming for our county’s youngest learners should be inclusive of children with disabilities, culturally and linguistically responsive to families and served by teachers who are intentional and thoughtful with children in a play-based environment where both children and teachers have agency to respond to individual learning needs. 

Please see the Early Education and Care Department's Play in Practice statement to learn more about our educational philosophy. This statement was developed with input from Mendocino County early learning and care professionals and inspired by CDE's publication, The Powerful Role of Play in Early Education (2021).

MCOE logo

Main Contacts

Photo of Kristin Hills

Kristin Hills

Director of Early Education and Care

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