(707) 467-5000

2240 Old River Road


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California Dashboard Supports

Empowering districts to maximize student success through data-driven strategies

MCOE provides comprehensive support to help districts improve their performance on the California School Dashboard's College and Career Indicator (CCI). Our team of education specialists works directly with district leaders to analyze data, identify opportunities for growth, and implement effective strategies that enhance college and career readiness for all students.

Understanding the College and Career Indicator

The CCI is a key metric on the California School Dashboard that measures how effectively schools prepare students for success after graduation. This state indicator evaluates the percentage of high school graduates who are prepared for college or career pathways, encouraging schools to provide rigorous, comprehensive education that opens doors to postsecondary opportunities and success.


  •  In depth analysis of district’s data points contributing to their CCI
  • Assistance with identifying areas of strength and growth related to the CCI


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Main Contacts

Photo of Eric Crawford

Eric Crawford

Director - Career and College Programs

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