Career & College Programs
Empowering students and schools in Mendocino County to achieve academic and career success.
The Career and College Readiness department of MCOE focuses on assisting schools and students within Mendocino County to find resources related to academic and career skill development.
Our aim is to assist all students with preparing themselves for meaningful, gainful, rewarding employment. Whether students choose to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree, Associate Degree, short term certificate, or take advantage of on the job training, we support schools with assisting their students to find the perfect fit.
We also offer school districts assistance with federal and state grants, dual enrollment, Career Technical Education programming, and Adult Education options.
- Adult Programs
Our Medical Assistant, Dental Assistant, Phlebotomy, and our new Certified Nurse Assistant programs are offered on our River Campus in Talmage. Come enroll with us to begin or further your career in Health Care. - California Dashboard Supports
We offer support to Districts and Schools with refining their information which is reported to the College and Career Indicator. - Career Technical Education (CTE) Programming
We offer assistance to schools with evaluating their CTE courses and pathways.- CTE Pathway & CALPADs Support
- CTE Student Events & Community of Practices
- Grant Writing Support
- Work Based Learning & Industry Partnership Development
- Dual Enrollment, CCAPS & Articulation Agreements
- WASC Support
- CDE CTE Model Curriculum Standards (website)
- CDE CTE Standards & Framework (website)
- CDE Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) (website)
- CDE CTEIG Regional Consultants (website)
Federal act established to improve career-technical education programs, integrate academic and career-technical instruction, serve special populations, and meet gender equity needs.
- CDE Perkins (website)
- CDE Perkins Contact Information (website)
In 2016, California committed $248 million in annual investments for growing and improving career and technical education with a goal of creating more than one million additional middle-skill workers. Strong Workforce initiatives rely on workforce/employment data to drive programs, economic development partnerships, and career pathways and curriculum at California’s 115 community colleges.
- The Burning Glass Institute - Current research related to CTE/non degree opportunities (website)
Highlights how nondegree workers can achieve career success through strategic job choices. It reveals that nearly 2 million workers without college degrees earn six-figure salaries, demonstrating that fulfilling and well-paying careers are accessible without a traditional four-year education.

Main Contacts
Director - Career and College Programs
Manager- Adult Education
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