Region 1 Expanded Learning
MCOE proudly serves as the County Regional Lead for Region 1 in California’s System of Support for Expanded Learning (SSEL).
Our mission is to support After School Education and Safety (ASES) programs, 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC), and Expanded Learning Opportunities Programs (ELOP) across Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Lake, and Sonoma counties. Through technical assistance, we are dedicated to helping Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) in these communities deliver high-quality and inclusive expanded learning programs through a whole child approach.
“Expanded learning” means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. Guided by a compassionate systems awareness, we approach our work with a deep understanding of the interconnected needs of students, families, and educators. Our focus is on creating sustainable, equitable learning environments that foster academic success, social-emotional growth, and holistic well-being. Through collaboration, professional development, and customized support, we empower programs to transform the lives of the students they serve.
Email us at R1Support4EXL@mcoe.us to get in touch with us today.
- Professional Development
- Networking
- Monthly Round Tables
- Site Visits
- Coaching
- Consultation
- Facilitation
- Resource Brokering
- Resource Development
We Work With
- County Offices of Education, Districts, Charters, and Community Based Organizations
- Administrators, Grant Managers, & Consortiums
- Program Directors
- Site Coordinators
- Frontline Staff
- Chief Business Officers
- California AfterSchool Network
- Partnership for Children and Youth
- Learning in Afterschool & Summer Project
- CDE FAQ: Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
- CDE FAQ: After School Education and Safety/Community Learning Centers/Enrichment for Teens
- CDE FAQ: After School Education and Safety Frontier Frontier
Sign up to join our newsletter email list today! Send an email to R1Support4EXL@mcoe.us to be added to the distribution list.
Region 1 Newsletters and e-blasts will keep you current with all the latest information from the CDE expanded learning division and CAN; it is a spotlight on our region's amazing programs and you will find resources for STEM, SEL and much more!
Join Our Monthly Round Tables
Join the support team, composed of MCOE staff and California Department of Education (CDE), Expanded Learning Division (ExLD)members, for our monthly Round Table discussions. This is a great oppotunity to network and gain resources.
Email us at R1Support4EXL@mcoe.us for more information, including the Zoom link.
Follow Us on Social Media


Main Contacts
Manager- Expanded Learning
Expanded Learning Specialist
Administrative Secretary I
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