Dual Enrollment, CCAPS & Articulation Agreements
Fast-track your future by earning college credits while still in high school through innovative educational partnerships.
MCOE is committed to expanding post-secondary opportunities for all students through multiple pathways to college credit. We assit with three distinct programs - Dual Enrollment, College and Career Access Pathway (CCAP) agreements, and Articulation agreements - each designed to give students a valuable head start on their college education while still in high school.
Our dedicated team works with schools to identify and implement the most appropriate program for their unique student population. Whether you're an administrator looking to establish new partnerships or expand existing ones, we provide comprehensive support to help navigate these educational opportunities and create seamless transitions to higher education for your students.
Dual enrollment courses are college courses that your students may take while enrolled in high school. The classes offer both high school graduation credit and college credit.
College and Career Access Pathway Grant (CCAP) courses are college courses offered at the high school in which only 9-12 graders may enroll. Other college students must register for and attend classes at the college campus. The courses may be taught by qualified high school, or college instructors.
MCOE may assist your institution to enter into a CCAP agreement with Mendocino College.
Your CTE students have worked hard to acquire the skills offered by your course. Now help them move forward with furthering their education by establishing an articulation agreement with a local college.
We can help you make a connection with a college instructor and complete the necessary paperwork to articulate your high school CTE course with a post secondary program in the same CTE sector.

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