Get Arts in the Schools
The Get Arts in the Schools Program (GASP) is an arts education partnership founded in 2005 by the Arts Council of Mendocino County (ACMC) and Mendocino County Office of Education.
GASP is a collaborative public/private arts education initiative that brings professional artist workshops and live performances to Mendocino County schools throughout the school year. Our mission is to enrich K-12 classrooms by integrating the arts into the core curriculum and providing high-quality, educational artistic experiences for students.
To connect a classroom with an artist, the GASP program requires a two-part application: a teacher request form (specifying the desired artist) and a completed application from the artist.
The application will be available by September 1, 2024. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2024.
Experienced arts educators and arts organizations of Mendocino County are encouraged to submit project and guest artist proposals to the Arts Council of Mendocino County.
Artists should discuss their projects with classroom teachers in advance of submitting an application to the Arts Council. A Teacher Request Form from the teacher indicating acceptance of the project should accompany the project proposal.
County Coordinators
Director - Learning and Enrichment
Continuous Improvement Specialist
Executive Director, Arts Council of Mendocino County