Foster Youth Services
Supporting the educational journey of foster youth through tailored advocacy and resources.
The Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP) provides academic support for students in foster care as they navigate the education system during a delicate period of their lives. In collaborative efforts with schools, districts, placing agencies, foster parents, Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPS), and other related agencies, we aim to provide academic support and advocacy for children in foster care affected by displacement and other trauma, so they may develop the skills and confidence necessary to become effective students and adults.
As a result of frequent school moves, displacement from family and friends, and other traumatic events, students in foster care often experience challenges and barriers in school that impact their educational progress. To support the academic needs of students in foster care, the Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP) provides:
- Transcript review to determine A-G and graduation requirements/progress
- Consultation with the school counselor to develop the student's education plan toward graduation
- Assistance to schools in determining Graduation Requirement Exemption Waiver eligibility and partial credit recovery
- Support to schools to request and provide missing education records
- Information on legislative entitlements for students in foster care
- Connection to community resources
- FAFSA/CADAA/Chafee Grant Application assistance and submission (12th grade)
- College application assistance and submission (12th grade)
- College support program application assistance and submission (12th grade)
- Referral to college support programs (12th grade)
- Assistance completing required forms for Financial Aid (12th grade)
- Advocacy for foster youths' educational needs
- Advocacy locally and state-wide to improve school & child welfare policies
- Professional development and technical assistance for schools, care providers, child welfare workers, and others on the educational needs of foster youth
- Maintenance of an education database of foster youth living in Mendocino County
- Collaboration with community agencies, child welfare workers/probation officers, and care providers to facilitate communication and coordinate services
- Networked Improvement Community work to improve school stability and communication across agencies
- Assistance with immediate and appropriate school placement in coordination with District and Charter Foster Youth Liaisons and Child Welfare
Foster Youth Legislation
The Foster Youth Education Rights (E.C. 48853) law ensures foster youth have access to the same academic resources, services, extracurricular and enrichment activities available to all students. The law promotes school stability, immediate enrollment, timely transfer of records, and protection for grades and credits.
For more information, please see:
Foster youth may be eligible to be exempt from having to meet additional district graduation requirements and instead, can earn a diploma by meeting California state minimum graduation requirements.
- Graduation Waiver Template (.doc)
Districts are required to award partial or full credits when a homeless pupil transfers schools for courses completed.
- Partial Credits Ed Code (pdf)
- Partial Credits Handout (pdf)
Districts are required to notify the appropriate representative of the county child welfare agency, the child's attorney, and the child's education rights holder of any suspension or recommendation of expulsion of a child in foster care.
Get updates and guidance from the FYSCP Technical Assistance Program team in matters relating to:
- Collaboration among county agencies through coordination of services to address school stability and information sharing
- Guidance and support to increase the capacity and willingness to gather meaningful data and strategic analysis process
- In-person regional and statewide meetings to ensure the spread of best practices related to education of students in foster care
- Online meetings and resources shared among county FYSCP coordinators in order to enable support for school districts and community stakeholders
Advocacy Resources
There are many local and statewide resources available to help provide advocacy and support to foster youth.

Main Contacts
Coordinator- Foster Youth and Homeless Services
Foster Youth Education Specialist
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