(707) 467-5000

2240 Old River Road


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Foster Youth Services

Supporting the educational journey of foster youth through tailored advocacy and resources.

The Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP) provides academic support for students in foster care as they navigate the education system during a delicate period of their lives. In collaborative efforts with schools, districts, placing agencies, foster parents, Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPS), and other related agencies, we aim to provide academic support and advocacy for children in foster care affected by displacement and other trauma, so they may develop the skills and confidence necessary to become effective students and adults.


As a result of frequent school moves, displacement from family and friends, and other traumatic events, students in foster care often experience challenges and barriers in school that impact their educational progress. To support the academic needs of students in foster care, the Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP) provides:

Foster Youth Legislation

The Foster Youth Education Rights (E.C. 48853) law ensures foster youth have access to the same academic resources, services, extracurricular and enrichment activities available to all students. The law promotes school stability, immediate enrollment, timely transfer of records, and protection for grades and credits.

For more information, please see:

Advocacy Resources

There are many local and statewide resources available to help provide advocacy and support to foster youth.

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Main Contacts

Photo of Blythe Post

Blythe Post

Coordinator- Foster Youth and Homeless Services

Photo of Christa Schultz

Christa Schultz

Foster Youth Education Specialist

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