(707) 467-5000

2240 Old River Road


young girl smiling

Foster & Homeless Youth Services

Supporting Success for Foster and Homeless Youth in Mendocino County

The Foster and Homeless Youth Services program supports and enhances district efforts to improve educational outcomes for students experiencing homelessness or in foster care. We collaborate with district liaisons, superintendents, and school personnel to address individual student needs. Through advocacy and coordination, we connect students with vital services, working alongside child welfare, probation, court-appointed special advocates (CASA), attorneys, judges, foster families, foster family agencies, group homes, school districts, and other community resources.

Our team monitors transcripts to ensure timely graduation, assists with special education services, facilitates appropriate school placements, and participates in team decision-making for students transitioning in or out of Mendocino County.

We can assist students and their families by helping with:

  • Immediate enrollment in school
  • School of origin process in order to maintain educational stability
  • Timely transfer of educational records
  • Locating and obtaining immunization and medical records
  • Transportation plans from the current residence to the school of origin
  • Referral and connection services to community resources
  • Linkage to university, community college and vocational/technical programs

We also provide technical assistance and formal training for districts and collaborative partners throughout the County in regards to the laws governing foster and homeless education and model strategies to help better engage and support this vulnerable population. This includes the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act, AB 490 and AB 854 Foster Youth Education legislation.

You Can Enroll In School

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Main Contacts

Photo of Blythe Post

Blythe Post

Coordinator- Foster Youth and Homeless Services

Photo of Brady Nord

Brady Nord

Program Assistant- Family Outreach

Photo of Christa Schultz

Christa Schultz

Foster Youth Education Specialist

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