(707) 467-5000

2240 Old River Road


photos of MCOE preschool students

California State Preschool Programs

Providing high-quality, inclusive early education for all children in Mendocino County.

The Mendocino County State Preschool Program partners with school districts, charter schools, and nonprofits to operate state preschool sites across the county. These programs serve income-eligible children aged two to five years (depending on location), offering three to four hours of enriching learning experiences each weekday.

Our vision includes families who are respected as the primary drivers in their child's growth and development. Our programs are designed to celebrate the cultural and linguistic diversity of Mendocino County's families and we encourage families to provide feedback, volunteer and engage with staff and children. Several of our sites are full inclusion programs, where children with disabilities learn alongside their typically developing peers. These inclusive settings allow typically developing children to experience a diversity of abilities, while children with disabilities benefit from modeling social and language skills in a supportive environment.

Income Eligibility

 Income guidelines may be higher than you think!

For example, a family of four can have a gross income of up to $10,740/month and still qualify. Children with IFSPs and IEPs qualify regardless of family income. 

We can enroll families who are up to 15% over the income guidelines (which as set at 100% of the state median income).

Enrollment Process

Available in English and Spanish.


To provide high-quality early childhood programs which

  • Embrace inclusion and equity at every level of service
  • Partner with and respond to the needs of children, families and communities
  • Provide safe, joyful and nurturing environments
  • Provide support and professional development opportunities to staff
  • Promote the physical, social, emotional, cognitive and creative development of childrenyoung children
MCOE logo

Main Contacts

Photo of Carlee Mills

Carlee Mills

Data Control Technician I

Photo of Kristin Hills

Kristin Hills

Director of Early Education and Care

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