Michelle Hutchins standing at a podium at a press conference with lady in black on her left and a man in blue on her right


In Mendocino County, the Office of Education and local school districts continue to work together to monitor, communicate, and prepare for COVID-19. To date, no one in Mendocino County has tested positive for the virus.

Currently, all Mendocino County school districts are following guidance from the County Public Health Department and other governmental agencies, including the Governor’s Office of the State of California. This week, the Governor’s Office released a statement with a series of recommendations to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19.

To ensure the safety of our community and prevent overloading our health care system, starting today, I am advising that schools in Mendocino County follow the Governor’s advice to cancel events and gatherings of 250 people or more. Additionally, I am recommending that all non-essential gatherings (such as field trips, shows, dances, assemblies, athletics, other events, and meetings) with fewer than 250 people be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by each school district superintendent or charter school director.

We will continue to monitor the situation daily and follow the recommendations of Public Health, CDC, and the Governor’s Office. We’ll also continue to reinforce best practices such as handwashing, remaining at home when ill, keeping your hands away from your face, and maintaining daily disinfection of surfaces. Individual districts may take additional measures in coordination with local health officials.

All Mendocino County school districts are in regular communication and coordination with the Mendocino County Office of Education, Public Health, and other agencies. We remain vigilant in our approach to maintaining the wellness of our students, families, and employees.

We will provide regular updates in the days and weeks ahead.