Health & Wellbeing
MCOE is committed to supporting school districts, schools, students, and families with resources to improve their mental and emotional wellness. Our goal is to support the removal of barriers that impact student success.
Mendocino County Behavioral Health also offers additional resources and provides services for individuals in crisis, for youth, for adults, and for alcohol and drug treatment. Services are provided throughout Mendocino County. Visit their website.
Helping Improve Physical, Mental, and Emotional Well-Being
We've compiled resources and information to help education professionals, students, and community members in Mendocino County.
Resources shared on this page that are created by an outside business or organization do not constitute an endorsement of that business, or organization.
MCOE is committed to supporting schools, students, and families with resources...
SUICIDE PREVENTION TRAINING With QPR training, you have an opportunity to save a lif...
Be the difference! Become certified as a youth and/or adult Mental Health First Aider! ...

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