Future scientists, engineers, and innovators took center stage at the 39th Annual Mendocino County Science and Engineering Fair & S.T.E.A.M. Expo on March 15 at Mendocino College, where students showcased projects highlighting creativity, problem-solving, and sustainability. Alongside the Science and Engineering Fair, the S.T.E.A.M. Expo featured engaging activities provided by educators, students, and community organizations that highlighted science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (S.T.E.A.M.).
The Science and Engineering Fair displayed 156 projects from 207 3rd to 12th-grade Mendocino County students. 20 schools across the county participated in the fair. Ten exceptional projects were selected to advance to the 74th California Science & Engineering Fair, which will be held April 12-13, 2025, on the campus of California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks. The winning entries were carefully evaluated by a panel of 52 local science, engineering, and education professionals who volunteered their time to serve as judges.
Additionally, students received special awards sponsored by community organizations, including Outstanding Young Scientist Award (Baechtel Creek Medical Clinic), Achievement in Scientific Methodology (South Ukiah Rotary), Award for Excellence in Wildlife Biology, Award for Excellence in Animal Behavior Research (Odell Ranch), Out of this World Award (Out of This World Optics), Paul Joens-Poulton Avant-Garde Award (MCOE), Insights & Innovations in Renewable Energy (Sonoma Clean Power), Excellence in Environmental Science/Ecology (UC Hopland Research & Extension Center), and Excellence in Engineering (Professional Engineers in California Government).
The Science and Engineering Fair & S.T.E.A.M. Expo is coordinated by the Mendocino County Office of Education and made possible with support from the Region 1 S.T.E.A.M. Hub, Mendocino College, and more than 100 volunteers from the Mendocino County education community, organizations, and businesses that value promoting science education for students.
Thank you to the local schools, organizations, and businesses who made the 39th Annual Mendocino County Science and Engineering Fair & S.T.E.A.M. Expo possible! Over 25 community organizations attended the Expo this year, including California Conservation Corps, California Native Plant Society - Sanhedrin Chapter, California State Parks, City of Ukiah Recreation, Climate Action Mendocino, Girl Scouts Troop 10242, Instilling Goodness Elementary & Developing Virtue Secondary Schools, Mendocino County Museum, Mendocino County Fire Safe Council, Head Start Child Development Program, Redwood Collegiate Academy Robotics Team, Redwood Valley/Calpella 4-H, Sonoma Clean Power, Rotary Club of South Ukiah, Willits Charter: A Public School for the Arts & Sciences, The Hopland Research and Extension Center, Ukiah Unified School District, El Mitote Cafe, and Slam Dunk Pizza.
2025 Qualifiers for the 74th California State Science & Engineering Fair Representing Mendocino County:
Name | Project Title | School |
Leo W | In-Silico Structure Analysis on Interactions Between Amyloid-Beta 42 Variants and Lecanemab | Instilling Goodness & Developing Virtue School |
Toshiyoi M | Emulsome Gel-Mediated Enhanced Transdermal Delivery of Anticancer Drug | Instilling Goodness & Developing Virtue School |
Logan D | Can People Really Recognize AI-Generated Text? | Willits Charter School |
Greyson D | Harnessing the power of wind: Testing the efficiency of different windmill designs | Deep Valley Christian School |
Sophia H | Food Waste to Eco-Friendly Plastic | Instilling Goodness & Developing Virtue School |
Aarya D | Food Waste to Eco-Friendly Plastic | Instilling Goodness & Developing Virtue School |
Cameron F | Food Waste to Eco-Friendly Plastic | Instilling Goodness & Developing Virtue School |
Jameson M | Some Bacteria Think Plastic Is Fantastic! | Baechtel Grove Middle School |
Frederick M | The AutoChute | Eagle Peak Middle School |
Pele E-M | Riding on Sunshine | Tree of Life Charter School |
Owen N | Hydrogen Power | Eagle Peak Middle School |
Jaxon G | Hydrogen Power | Eagle Peak Middle School |
Meredith H | Can Sunlight Purify Water? | Eagle Peak Middle School |
Seona S | Hydrogen: Fuel of the Future | Eagle Peak Middle School -Alt |