Emotional Intelligence Skills


Emotional Intelligence Developing skills in recognition and regulation for ourselves and our students.

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Launch - One date - Wednesday, October 13

Ongoing Professional Learning Series for 9 weeks (beginning October 13)

  • October 13th
  • October 22nd
  • October 28th
  • November 4th
  • November 8th
  • November 18th
  • December 2nd
  • December 9th
  • December 16th

40 min group sessions (Zoom)
Permission to Feel Book (if needed)
Oji Life Lab App (optional)


Emotional intelligence (the ability to recognize emotions in oneself and in others, understand the source, accurately name the emotion, choose an appropriate expression of the emotion, and regulate the emotional experience) like any skill (such as playing an instrument, designing computer software, writing a novel) is not innate to any of us, but must be learned. The experts in emotion science often refer to emotional intelligence as a muscle that must be exercised to develop skill and strength.

“We adults need to understand how our emotions influence us and everyone around us. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) is not just for students. We need to develop the skills to be positive role models. We have to demonstrate the ability to identify, discuss, and regulate our own emotions before we can teach the skills to others.“ (Marc Brackett, Permission to Feel)

Please join us as we work together to develop some insight and deeper understanding of ourselves and our students. Our goal is to create a model to help adults and school staff as we work to build strong SEL systems of support in Mendocino County Schools.

