Bring the CAASPP System to Life

asically Series 1 offers CAASPP Ecosystem, Interim Assessments, and Practice and Training tests. Series 2 offers Tools for Teachers and Strategies for Putting it all Together. The details are in the body of this blog for ease of reading and registering.

Teachers are invited to learn how to bring the CAASPP system to life in their classroom. MCOE's EJ Renner is offering two upcoming workshops with practical guidance on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress.

The first series is on the CAASPP ecosystem, Interim Assessments and Practice & Training Tests. The second series is designed for ALL Teachers and will highlight the Tools for Teachers and includes information on key strategies such as formative assessment and standards aligned lessons.

These series are designed to be stand alone (so you do not need to attend both series - just choose the one that fits your current needs). We created these series to also be stand alone topics if you only have time to attend one session within a series. If a topic within the sessions intrigues you, please register for that series and attend the sessions that you can make work.

Contact EJ Renner for further details and see below for agenda and registration links:

Series I; 04/26/2022 | 05/03/2022 | 05/10/2022, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Register here

How do you bring to life the CAASPP system in your classroom?

April 26th - Session I

CAASPP Ecosystem:

  • The why behind CAASPP
  • Reports that can be generated
  • How does it show up in the outward facing documents
  • Show CERS and Sandbox, etc.

May 3rd - Session II

Interim Assessments:

  • Check progress
  • Use data to inform instruction

May 10th - Session III

Practice & Training Tests:

  • Prepare students to navigate the test
  • Ways to enhance the use of these tools

Series II 05/16/2022 & 05/24/2022, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Register here

TOOLS FOR TEACHERS - All teachers NOT just for testing grades!

May 16th - Session I

Tools for Teachers:

  • Overview of the system
  • Highlight key and useful features that will impact learning in the classroom
  • Leverage instructional strategies and resources

May 24th - Session II

Putting it all Together by Elevating:

  • Formative Assessment
  • Standards aligned lessons
  • Differentiate strategies
  • Check for understanding processes
  • How to set goals to focus instruction