Multilingual Learner Resources and Support
Welcome to the Multilingual Learner Resources and Support page! Here, you'll find a wide range of tools, strategies, and information designed to empower educators in supporting multilingual learners. Whether you're seeking professional development opportunities, instructional resources, or guidance on best practices, our goal is to help create inclusive and effective learning environments where all students can thrive.
- English Language Development Standards
- ELA/ELD Framework
- CDE - Improving Education for Multilingual & English Learner Students
This resource includes guidance on:
• Multilingual program specifics (p. 115)
• Early Learning and Care for Multilingual learners (p. 189)
• Integrated and Designated ELD guidance for elementary (p. 251) and secondary (p. 339) - SEAL ELD Planning Tool - A Designated ELD implementation guide.
- Multilingual Learning Toolkit - An online hub for research-based key principles, instructional strategies, and associated, free, practical, and easy-to-use resources that are geared towards educators who teach PreK-3rd Multilingual Learners.
- MLL Strategy Library from Colorin Colorado
Newcomer Students
- U.S. Department of Education Newcomer Toolkit
This resource provides specific guidance in:
1. Welcoming Newcomers (p. 21)
2. Supporting Newcomers’ socioemotional well-being (p. 38)
3. High-quality instruction for Newcomers (p. 50)
4. Establishing partnerships with families (p. 78)
- Californian’s Together Newcomer Resources - A compilation of resources and policy guidance for supporting Newcomer students.
- CANN: California Newcomer Network
- District Administrator Guidance for Serving Newcomer Students
- PACE Report - An in depth report addressing the challenges of Newcomer education and recommendations for improvement.
Long Term English Learners
- LTELs on the CA Dashboard
- Reparable Harm by Dr. Laurie Olson
- Secondary School Courses - LTELs - Guidance on how to design and implement effective courses that address the language needs and academic gaps of LTELs.
Paths to Biliteracy
- US Dept. of Ed EL Family Toolkits - Includes information on family/students’ rights, questions to ask schools, tips, and resources.
- Colorín Colorado - A bilingual site with resources to support schools' partnerships with the multilingual families of English language learners (ELLs).
- SEAL Webinars-Centralizing the Needs of English Learners
- EL Rise! Establishing a Data Culture
Webinar series on:
1. How to establish an equity-centered EL data culture
2. Establishing structures and routines for collaborative inquiry
3. Using an equity-centered data culture to transform systems Through action - Supporting Newcomer Students

Main Contacts
Continuous Improvement Specialist
Director - Learning and Enrichment
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