Local Child Care and Development Planning Council
The Mendocino County Local Child Care and Development Planning Council (LPC) provides a forum for the identification of local priorities for child care and early learning services and the development of policies and strategies to meet these priorities. It also advises and makes recommendations to policymakers to promote and plan for quality child care and development for the benefit of all children (from birth to 21), their families, and Mendocino County.
The LPC is a joint project of the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors and MCOE, funded by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS).
Local Child Care & Development Planning Council 2024-25 Calendar
- Quality
We define high-quality programs as safe, nurturing, stimulating, inclusive, developmentally appropriate and supportive of the whole family/whole child model. - Accessibility
We promote equitable access to inclusive, affordable care and education, responsive to unique needs and family demographics through a mixed delivery system. - Diversity and Inclusion
We strive to support diversity, culturally responsive practices and special education inclusion in early learning and care settings, and child care services for children and youth, from birth to age 21. - Collaboration and Advocacy
We represent diverse agencies and viewpoints and should reflect this constituency in our membership goals, advocacy efforts, and outreach. We strive to act in the best interests of children and their families and will advocate at the local and state level for programs, best practices and funding. - Sustainability
We will promote the development and vibrancy of a sustainable workforce to support the availability of qualified, early learning and child care professionals to staff local programs.
The mission of the Mendocino County Child Care Planning Council is to promote the sustainability and professional growth of the child care and early education workforce, and to advocate for the development of quality, accessible and affordable child care programs for children ages birth to 21.
All Mendocino County children will have equal access to safe, stimulating, inclusive, and nurturing child care and early education environments so that children and their families thrive emotionally, intellectually and physically.