West Hills
West Hills Juvenile Hall Community School (WHJHCS) is a WASC accredited program housed inside the Mendocino County Juvenile Hall that is intended for students in grades 7-12 that are detained in the Mendocino County Juvenile Probation Department.
Program Information
- Students attend school in the classroom and are provided with all academic materials that are required, including access to technology.
- Students have access to a full curriculum including Art and College Career Readiness.
- Students are assessed monthly in Reading and Mathematics through our Renaissance Learning assessment program.
- Students receive services from a resource teacher, school psychologist and the school counselor.
- Students earn credits/grades dependent upon attendance in class, academic progress, work completion and length of time enrolled.
- Students enrolled in this program from 1-19 days are dual enrolled with their district of residence and WHJHCS.
- Students that remain in the program over 19 days are fully enrolled in WHJHCS.
- Students usually matriculate back to their district of residence or MCCS.
If you have any questions regarding this program, please reach out to the WHJHCS Admin Secretary/Registrar, Leah Nidros, at (707) 901-9055.
LCAP | SARC | ESSER III Expenditure Plan | ESSER III Safety Plan
518 Low Gap Rd.
Ukiah, CA 95482
(707) 901-9055
Honor all students. We support our students by delivering a relevant and rigorous education to meet the terms of their expulsion, probation, and/or SARB contracts so they may successfully return to their home district.
It is our vision to prepare students so that they re-enter their home district as successful students and citizens.
- MCOE schools will improve student outcomes.
- MCOE schools will improve the learning environment by focusing on relationships.
- Increase student achievement
- Developing and sustaining authentic relationships
- Developing sustainable community relationships and partnerships
Community Schools Coordinator