MCCS Newsletter
Important Dates
- March 24
3rd Quarter Ends - March 27- March 31
Spring Break - No School - April 3
School Resumes
March and April 2023
Report Cards and Parent Teacher Conferences
Third quarter ends Friday, March 24, 2023. Third quarter report cards will be mailed home the week of April 10, 2023. Parent Teacher conferences were held in February. If you would like to schedule an additional conference with the teachers, please contact the MCCS school office (901 9055) to schedule. Meetings can occur either virtually, by phone or in person.
Graduation Credits for MCCS
Students and families are now able to choose the academic pathway and accompanying credits that suit the needs of their student. Depending upon the program that the student is attending and the selected pathway, students are able to graduate with 180 or 210 credits.
Alternative Education Needs You!
We have current openings for instructional paraprofessionals. See current job listings at
A 'shout out' to our families that have responded to our 'text survey' that we began in March. We want to know what you think of our programs and what we can do better … your voice matters!! Texting the survey questions to our families and receiving the feedback has given us insight in how to do, what we do, better! Remember…you can always reach us by phone or email…and even now, by just stopping by.
School Contact Info
General Questions | Enrollment | Absences
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Absences | Student Support
Student Accountability Specialist
Academic Counseling
Community Schools Coordinator
Academic Support / Status
Teacher- Alternative Education
Teacher- Alternative Education