Mendocino County Community School
Program Information
Mendocino County Community School (MCCS) is a WASC accredited program that enrolls students in grades 7-12 that have been expelled, probation referred, habitually truant (SARB referred), in addition to foster and/or homeless youth. When enrollment allows, students are also enrolled on a case by case basis where the referring district partner and the MCCS administrator feel that a smaller school setting is required in order to increase academic success. It is intended that students attend the program for approximately one year or the length of time that is required in order to successfully complete their contract terms. Students and families attend an intake meeting with all staff as part of their enrollment process. An Individual Learning Plan is created for each student to monitor progress, goals and document accountability. Students earn grades/credits based upon attendance, academic progress, and work completion. 180 credits are required in order to graduate from MCCS. Students are assessed monthly in Reading and Mathematics through the Renaissance Learning assessment program in order to monitor progress. Students that are enrolled and are in possession of an IEP are provided ongoing support by the resource teacher. School counseling services are provided on an as needed basis.
If a student is referred to MCCS due to expulsion or habitual truancy, the following required documentation is provided to the school in order to facilitate the enrollment process. Parents/families should contact the school to initiate the enrollment process.
- MCCS School Referral Form
- Expulsion or habitual truancy contract/paperwork documenting expectations for completion with parent signatures
- Board actions
- Copy of current attendance, grades/transcript from referring district/school
- Demographic page from the student information system
MCOE Student Covid Prevention Program for 22/23
LCAP | SARC | ESSER III Expenditure Plan | ESSER III Safety Plan
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30a - 3:00p
School Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00a - 1:15p
Honor all students. We support our students by delivering a relevant and rigorous education to meet the terms of their expulsion, probation, and/or SARB contracts so that they may successfully return to their home district.
It is our vision to prepare students so that they re-enter their home district as successful students and citizens.
- MCOE schools will improve student outcomes.
- MCOE schools will improve the learning environment by focusing on relationships.
- Increase student achievement
- Developing and sustaining authentic relationships
- Developing sustainable community relationships and partnerships
Mental Health Clinician
Teacher- Alternative Education
Student Accountability Specialist
Administrative Secretary / Registrar
Instructional Paraprofessional - Alternative Education
Teacher- Alternative Education
Teacher - Alternative Education