(707) 467-5000

2240 Old River Road


Professional Development

Mathematical PD with Barb & Sarah

February 1

9:00 am - 2:30 pm

MCOE RIver Room Ukiah

Tune-Up Your Math Classroom Teaching Practices that Build Mathematical Fluency for ALL Students


Are you looking to recharge your daily teaching and accelerate your students’ mathematical fluency? K-12 Educators and Teacher Leaders are invited to join us for a day of learning and collaboration filled with fun, food and resources! Presented by Dr. Barbara Blanke & Sarah Kingston M.Ed.

  • Explore routines, math models and games that grow conceptual, flexible and efficient student thinking
  • Build a strong understanding of numbers and operations, and the ability to use a variety of strategies to find solutions
  • Nurture reluctant learners to reason mathematically by choosing the right tools for the job
  • Invite students to share and refine their own ideas and strategies through conversation in your math class daily

INLAND: Saturday, February 1. 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Location: MCOE River Campus. Register here.

COAST:  Saturday, March 22. 9:00 am - 2:30 pm. Location: Fort Bragg High School. Register here.

Participants are eligible for follow-up on-site coaching support. Participants are also eligible for a $250 stipend. 

Contact: Julie Simental, (707) 467-5112;  jsimental@mcoe.us

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